Online Scout Manager Parent Portal

The Leaders and Volunteers of 1st B&B use OSM to manage the Group and communicate with parents.
How Does it Work?
Your first message from OSM after your young person accepts a place in our Group will be a welcome email containing a unique link to directly access the system. Once logged in, you will automatically be able to access each section as your child progresses through the Group. Please do not share or forward any of these email links, as they are unique to your child. Once online, you can access details about payments and the programme and sign up to any events coming up.
When you first login, you will probably find there is only your name, email and phone number – this is normally the information we get when your young person is added to the waiting list. Please go through and add all contact details for your young person’s parents/guardians, emergency contacts and medical details, which you think would be useful for your Leaders to have access to.
You will also find:
consent requests regarding photography of your child whilst with the Group. Please take a moment to review these and update them with your decision. Confirmation that you have read the behaviour policy and agree to it.